This is for you if . . .

You are ready to step into who you are meant to be

You want a business model built on recurring passive income

You want to see daily deposits hitting your account

You have a vision & need someone by your side to help bring it to life

You have a big heart & want to help others through your offers

You want slow mornings, coffee dates & more fun experiences

You want 20k+ months & the freedom to do whatever you want
If this is what you’re desiring, my new mastermind is for you. Limited seats available for the next round.
Your Passive Income Quickstart Mastermind includes:

 8 Group Coaching Calls w/ Jena

Private Community for extra support

The Digital Product Quickstart Course ($97 value)
  • 01Customer
  • 02Payment
The Passive Income 6 Week Mastermind
*Includes The Digital Products Quickstart Course

Contact information

Billing address

Payment information

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!


  • Total payment
  • 1xThe Passive Income Mastermind$2000

All prices in USD

Hey! I'm Jena.

Wife to Brian & Mama to 5 boys

Certified Life & Business Coach

2 multi 6 figure businesses

Half million in digital product sales

Real estate investor

Currently building my brand new Made For This Life & Business Coaching Community!

A little bit of my story . . . 

I started down this "making money online" path 4 years ago in 2020 with one little $27 product. That turned into a half million dollar coaching business that has completely changed my life. 

From that income I've been able to invest in real estate & create even more passive income! 
When I nailed down what my first digital product was going to be & who it was for, I was able to really focus & start creating income   
You get to create your own insane income - however you want, from wherever you want! 
When you get dialed in on your first offer & see what is possible, there will be no stopping you.

And it’s simpler than you think

Don't believe me?  This is what is possible
I've designed this program to guide you through the important things you need right now: 

First, mindset. This is where you will begin to fully believe that you are the ONE, that you are IT in your area of expertise & we will fully leverage that energy & that belief into launching your new business or digital product!  
WHAT you should create - get crystal clear on your idea 
WHO you should create it for - understand who you are serving with this product 

HOW to create it - the branding, format, pricing, content & design 

Plus, all the TECHY things to get it online 

  AND how to launch, market & SELL it!!!
Let's work together to create life changing passive income for you!